Register and Sign In

After launching EdrawMind, you need to sign in when you use the software for the first time. Here is how to register and log in.

01 Register Your Wondershare ID

If you haven't got a Wondershare ID yet, you need to register first. Here are the easy steps to create a new account.

Step 1: Click Log In to Experience All Features in the upper right corner of the interface.

register and sign in icon

Step 2: Click Create Account in the sign-in window.

edrawmind create account window
You can also continue with your Google, Facebook, or Twitter accounts to skip registering with an email account.

Step 3: Enter your email and password, then choose the country where you are. Then, click Create Account to get an ID.

edrawmind create account window

02 Sign Into Your Account

If you've already got your Wondershare ID, please follow the steps to log in directly.

Step 1: After clicking Sign In in the upper right corner of the interface, enter your email address in the blank, then click Next.

edrawmind login id window
You can also use your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account to log in EdrawMind.

Step 2: Input your Password account and click Sign In.

fill in your password