Insert Elements

Within the Outline mode, you can enrich your content with Graphics, Marks, Notes, Hyperlinks, Attachments, Comments, and Tags. These elements help you create a comprehensive, interactive visual representation tailored to your unique ideas and concepts. Here's how to do it.

Step1Navigate to Outliner and access the top toolbar to use elements.
inserting elements in outline mode
Step2Choose from various options to insert into your project.
  • Click any part of the outline. Then click Graphics or click text press Ctrl + Shift + P to insert a Picture to a selected topic.
  • Click on Mark to insert a mark on a selected topic.
inserting marks on outline mode

Click Note or press Ctrl + T to insert a note to the selected topic.

inserting notes on outline mode

Click Hyperlink or press Ctrl + K to insert a hyperlink to the selected topic.

inserting hyperlink on outline mode

Click Attachment or press Ctrl + H to insert an attachment to a selected topic.

adding attachment on outline mode

Click Comment or press Ctrl + Shift + T to insert a comment to the selected topic.

inserting a comment on outline mode
Comments can be up to 300 characters.

Go to Tag > Tag Manager to insert a tag on a selected topic.

inserting a tag on outline mode