Think Bigger From EdrawMind User Guide

Boast Assistant

EdrawMind introduces the Boost Assistant feature, designed to effortlessly generate heartfelt compliments tailored to your specific preferences. Follow these steps to maximize your experience with Boost Assistant:

  • Click the Edraw AI button located in the AI menu at the top ribbon. Alternatively, you can find the Edraw AI ball in the lower-left corner of the workspace.
edraw ai ball boast assistant
  • In the Edraw AI window, navigate to the Pre-scene Setup menu and choose the Boost Assistant option.
edraw ai pre-scene boast
  • Enter instructions highlighting the strengths and advantages of the person or thing you wish to praise. Specify qualities such as beauty, dancing skills, or any other admirable attributes. Edraw AI will utilize its vast repertoire of language to craft personalized and uplifting compliments tailored to your preferences.
boost assistant result
  • If you feel the need to refine or modify the generated compliments, engage in a continuous dialogue with Edraw AI to make adjustments and enhancements until you are satisfied.
continuous dialog boost assistant