Think Bigger From EdrawMind User Guide

Export/Print Slides

Elevate your presentations beyond the screen. Discover seamless options to export and print your mind map slides, ensuring your ideas come to life on paper or in digital formats. Share your brilliance with the world and leave a lasting impression every step of the way. Here's how.

01 Exporting Slides

To export your PPT generated with EdrawMind, click Export button on the top-right corner. Then follow the settings like choosing export mode, file location, name the document, etc.

exporting your slide presentation

02 Printing Slides

The steps of printing your slides are also very easy. Here's how:

Step 1Click Print button on the right-side of Export button after adjusting your slides.
printing your slide presentations section
Step 2In the Print window, adjust the Copies number and Settings, and choose Printer, Size, and Layout. You can also preview print results on the right side.
settings and preview of the print function