Think Bigger From EdrawMind User Guide

Find Topics

Follow the steps below to quickly find and replace text in topics, tags, notes, or comments.

Method 1 Use Shortcuts Ctrl + F

Here is how to find topics with default shortcuts.

Step1Press Ctrl + F buttons on your keyboard, and the Find & Replace window will appear.
pop up find & replace window
Step2Input the words included in the topics you want to search in Find under the Topic tab.
searching outcomes

Method 2 Use the Find & Replace Button

Except for the shortcuts, using the Find & Replace button is also convenient.

Step1Click the Find & Replace button in the ribbon on the Start page and the Find & Replace window will pop up.
find and replace button
Step2Enter the text you are looking for in the Find text box in Topic, Tag, or Note/Comment.
enter and find text
Step3Click the find text icon on the right side of the input box. Then the topics containing your needed information will be displayed automatically.

Tip 1: Continue clicking the icon on the right side of Find or press Enter key on the keyboard to find the next topic having your entered text.

Tip 2: If you want to replace some text, follow the steps below.

Step1After finding the topics that include your needed text, enter the text you want to replace in the text box of Replace.
enter and replace text
Step2Select the topic you want to replace. Then click the first icon on the right side of the input box to replace one selected topic. If you intend to replace all, click the second icon on the right side. Then all the original text you are looking for will be replaced by your intended text.
replace and replace all buttons