Think Bigger From EdrawMind User Guide


EdrawMind's Translation feature offers a seamless solution for translating your content into multiple languages, including Simplified Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Portuguese, and Indonesian. Whether you need to translate your mind map or any other text, Edraw AI ensures quick and accurate results.

To effectively utilize the Translation feature, follow these simple steps:

  • Select the desired topic within your mind map that requires translation. Locate the AI Intelligent Creation button in the floating toolbar and choose Translation from the options. Select the target language from the drop-down list.
translation floating bar
  • Alternatively, right-click on the topic in the mind map that you want to translate. Choose AI Generated Content from the right-click menu and select Translation. Specify the target language.
right click translation
  • EdrawMind's AI will swiftly translate the selected text into the chosen target language. The translated text will be added as a subtopic to the original one.
translation result

Additionally, you can translate text outside of topics by following these steps:

  • Click the Edraw AI button in the AI menu located at the top ribbon. Alternatively, you can find the Edraw AI ball in the lower-left corner of the workspace.
edraw ai menu translation
  • In the Edraw AI window, select Translation from the Pre-scene Setup menu and specify the target language.
pre scene setup translation
  • Enter the text you want to translate into the provided input field. Edraw AI will perform the translation promptly based on your input.
    edraw ai window translation