Are you a writer? If so, we are sure nothing is more frustrating for you than staring at a blank page, trying to open the knots of your story plots. The plot feels tangled, or the characters seem to lack depth. At that point, all you wish for is to brainstorm like a pro and map out the stories in a way that can end their creativity block. Story mind maps are the secret weapon for writers! Unlike boring outlines, mind maps are like a visual spark. They let you brainstorm freely, connecting characters, twists, and the entire story arc on a single page. This article will tell you all the ins and outs of a story mind map and how to create one using an online tool.
In this article
Story Mind Map Examples
Story mind maps are visual tools that help writers brainstorm, organize, and develop their stories nonlinearly. Simply put, they are like spiderwebs, where your story's central idea is in the middle and multiple branches radiate outwards. The branches connect the core story to key elements, such as characters, plots, themes, settings, or potential twists and conflicts.
EdrawMind is an online tool, that lets writers create their story mind maps. A wide range of templates are available that writers can use as a foundation for their story mind maps. Let’s look at some.
Template 1
This is a pre-made story mind map template available on EdrawMind. Here’s a breakdown of the different elements and how they’re used:
There is a central topic, and the story divisions branch out from it. This divides the story into beginning, middle, and closing.
Then there are the sub-branches. These smaller branches stem from the main branches and provide more detail about each element in every story stage. For example, a character branch might have sub-branches for the character’s name, traits, motivations, and goals. Utilizing mind maps like these is crucial if you want to enhance your creativity and discover new ideas for your story. They are an incredibly effective tool that allows you to connect ideas visually and explore different possibilities easily.
Template 2
This is another story mind map template from the EdrawMind templates gallery. It is a story titled “The Endless Story”. The titles remain in the center from which the main branches radiate. These branches are of characters, setting, problem, and outcome. From these main branches, sub-branches radiate. These are smaller branches that provide more detail about each main element. The first set of sub-branches radiating from the character branch gives the characters' names in the story. The next set of sub-branches can provide details of individual characters, their traits, and their role in the story.
You can use this template to create a mind map for your story. You can easily customize it and adjust it according to the plot of your story.
How to Make a Mind Map on EdrawMind?
Before you get started, ensure that you have downloaded the EdrawMind desktop version from the official website. Once you have launched the software, you can log in to your Wondershare ID. Alternatively, you can also access the software using your social media account login credentials.
Step 1: Once you have set up the EdrawMind’s app. Click on the Gallery option. Use Immediately. Doing this will open the template's components in the editing panel.
Step 2: To find a story mind map in the MindMap Gallery, use the Search bar at the top. Search story mind maps, all the available templates will show up. You can browse through all the available free templates to choose one that suits your preferences. Once you've found the right template, simply click on Duplicate to instantly duplicate the entire content to your EdrawMind canvas.
Step 3: Once you have imported the built-in template to your mind map canvas, start adding the necessary topics, subtopics, and categories to your story map. You can use EdrawMind's customization features to add different boundaries or summaries to different categories, which will help you create a comprehensive and organized mind map.
Step 4: EdrawMind has a wide variety of customization options. You can customize your font, boxes, boundaries, colors, connectors, etc to customize your mind map as per your requirements. You can even add images to your mind map to make it more personalized and increase its visual appeal.